

For a few years now, I have been going for walks or hikes in the woods two or three times a week. It makes me calm and at the same time I often get my best ideas there.

This is a close-up of chestnut blight (kastanjeboomziekte).
It reminds me of cancer and pain.
The tree is suffering.
So does the person who has cancer.
The tree has a soul for me.
So the tree bleeds!
And so do the relatives of those who have died of cancer.
I lost my father 4 years ago to urinary bladder cancer.
I was bleeding too.

In my studio, I am going to look for a way to integrate this suffering into my art. How I'm going to do that I don't know yet. Sculpture, painting or drawing? Doesn't matter. But I think it will be an interesting suffering to follow.

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